Great Lakes Acoustic Music Association’s 20th GLAMAVERSARY Celebration Concert and Workshops
GLAMA invites you to sponsor the 20th GLAMAVERSARY Celebration Concert and Workshops to be held on Saturday, October 5, 2019 at Kalamazoo Valley Community College. Headliners Pat Donohue and Robin & Linda Williams will take the stage for a 7 p.m. concert at Dale B. Lake Auditorium, and they will lead workshops, along with local and regional musicians, from 12-5 p.m. in KVCC classrooms.
Since 1999, GLAMA has been a significant force in providing southwest Michigan residents with opportunities to enjoy, participate in, and learn about acoustic music. GLAMA has sponsored concerts, workshops and festivals and has also hosted free, regularly scheduled jams, community sings and other activities.
Your sponsorship will celebrate this unique legacy in our region and support its continuation.
Select your sponsorship level and available benefits below.
To mail in your sponsorship choice and check, please download the GLAMAVERSARY Sponsorship Invitation (PDF).