The Cooper’s Glen featured artist group this month is The Red Sea Pedestrians. This amazing and popular local group is still active and performing in the area. For future live concerts and more information, check them out at

Our Cooper’s Glen concert artist for the month of May is Kalamazoo area folksinger, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, Joel Mabus. Joel is a prolific master songwriter and can bring you to tears and laughter with the same song. His performances creatively combine clever, funny, and poignant lyrics with guitar, banjo, mandolin, ukulele and more. Joel has been described as a quintessentially midwestern American artist and GLAMA has been fortunate to have him perform multiple times at Cooper’s Glen Music Festival as well as offer many workshops over the years. The concert we are sharing is from Cooper’s Glen 2013, held at the Kalamazoo Radisson Plaza Hotel.

Our featured band this month is the band Sweetcorn from our 2003 Cooper’s Glen Music Festival. We are excited to present this iconic Kalamazoo Bluegrass group that provided many years of great music in and around Michigan and beyond. Sweetcorn founder and long-time GLAMA Board member Mark Sahlgren has additionally volunteered for 45 years to produce the weekly 2-hour acoustic roots radio program Grassroots on WMUK, now with daughter Darcy Wilkin. This concert also features Mark’s former radio host partner, Lorraine Caron. Enjoy the music!

The GLAMA Board extends our gratitude to Mike Siegel, our Cooper’s Glen sound engineer, for providing these concert recordings. Thanks Mike!
Chris Jones and the Night Drivers at Cooper’s Glen Music Festival, >Kalamazoo Nature Center, 2005

Bill Staines at Cooper’s Glen Music Festival at the Kalamazoo Nature Center, August, 2006

Lynn Morris Band at Cooper’s Glen Music Festival at the Kalamazoo Nature Center. September, 2002.
Lynn Morris, Marshall Wilborn, Ron Stewart, and Jesse Brock

Deadwood performing at Cooper’s Glen Bluegrass Festival in 2011 at Kalamazoo Nature Center.

Patricia Pettinga
Patricia Pettinga was a significant member of our GLAMA community in so many ways. She and her husband Bill participated regularly as volunteers for many GLAMA events and jams. Patricia was instrumental in developing and presenting our monthly GLAMA Community Sing, a program specially designed for singers. This concert is from her appearance with husband Bill Willging at the 2004 Cooper’s Glen Music Festival. Patricia is deeply missed by her family, friends, and fans.