The Great Lakes Acoustic Music Association
A Michigan Nonprofit Corporation
Pursuant to the provisions of Act 162, Michigan Public Acts of 1982, the undersigned corporation executes the following amended articles. These amended articles supercede all previous articles related to this corporation.
Article I
The name of the corporation is the Great Lakes Acoustic Music Association.
The Employer Identification Number assigned by the United States Internal Revenue Service is 38-3443738.
Article II
The Great Lakes Acoustic Music Association (The Corporation) is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Corporation shall not carry on any activities other than those permitted by an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, by an organization qualified to receive contributions under Section 170(c)(2) of the code and by a nonprofit corporation organized under the Michigan Nonprofit Corporation Act.
Article III
The Corporation is organized on a nonstick basis.
The description and value of the real property assets are: None
The description and value of its personal property assts are: None
The Corporation is to be financed under the following general plan: Donations and revenue from sources other than donations as determined by the board of directors.
The Corporation is organized on a directorship basis. It may (but need not) have voting members, and such membership (if any) and classes thereof shall be as defined in The Corporation’s bylaws.
The management and affairs of The Corporation shall be at all times under the direction of the Board of Directors, whose operations in governing The Corporation shall be defined by statute and by The Corporation’s bylaws. No member or director shall have any right, title, or interest in, or to. any property of The Corporation.
Article IV
The general address and mailing address of the registered office is:
P.O. Box 50781
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001
The name of the registered agent is Kathy Nichols and may occasionally change to reflect the name(s) of future presidents of The Corporation’s board of directors.
Article V
No substantial part of the activities of The Corporation shall involve propaganda, or attempts to influence legislation.
No activities shall involve participation, or intervention, in any political campaign of any candidate for public office.
None of the net earnings of The Corporation shall inure to the benefit of The Corporation’s board of directors, officers, or other private individual members. However, this provision shall not limit the ability to use net earnings, or other assets, in the furtherance of The Corporation’s mission, to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, or to reimburse expenses incurred on behalf of The Corporation.
A volunteer member of the board of directors of The Corporation shall not be held personally liable to The Corporation, or its members, for any monetary damages for a breach in the director’s fiduciary duty. This shall not limit liability for acts or omissions not in good faith, or that involve intentional misconduct, or a knowing violation of the law.
In the event of the dissolution of The Corporation and after paying all liabilities, the board of directors shall distribute the assets of The Corporation to another organization(s) with a similar mission, or one or more charitable or educational nonprofit organizations.
These amended articles were duly adopted on the ______ day of ____________, ______ by The Corporation’s board of directors in accordance with the provisions of Act 162 of Michigan Public Acts of 1982. The necessary number of votes was cast in favor of these articles of incorporation.
The directors of The Corporation prepared this document.